today was an unconventional Thanksgiving for us. I had lunch (steak) in Boston with my parents and Josh. then we came to Medway where lounging commenced.... those of you who have spent time with my family know we can get a serious lounge on. I just watched 5 hours of Dexter with my parents. I got them hooked.
when I packed my overnight bag for Medway it consisted of elastic waist pants, slippers, a sweatshirt, Dexter dvds and my book.
(Biff chewed off the laces)
my mom just made me a grilled cheese. today I woke up feeling especially thankful for my mom.
I'm reading I Capture the Castle. it's totally adorable.
I heard of this book a few years ago because it inspired an Anthropologie apparel theme while I was working there.
brief synopsis:
the narrator is a 17 year-old girl named Cassandra who lives in a castle with her family. they moved there after the father had been a successful writer, but has since given up writing and now the family is very poor. they don't even pay rent anymore. Cassandra's older sister, Rose, gets engaged to a wealthy man named Simon. while Rose is in London with Simon's mother to buy new clothes she sends a letter home to Cassandra. I'm going to type in some parts from it because it's just so sweet.
I expect you will wish I would describe everything we have bought but I haven't the time and I also feel embarrassed at having so much when you have so little. But you are to have a most beautiful bridesmaid's frock - you are to come up here to be fitted for it - and I think the ready-made clothes I am wearing now can be altered for you, once I get my trousseau. And when I am married we will shop like mad for you....
I have a bathroom all to myself and there are clean peach-coloured towels every single day. Whenever I feel lonely, I go and sit in there and I cheer up.
for some reason I get misty eyed whenever I think about that letter... the feeling of wanting your sisters to have everything is familiar to me. (sisters before misters!) as is how they can appreciate and understand your silliest behavior.
note between Emily and me:
the thought of how life and family dynamics will change once someone is married is particularly relevant. it makes me sad to think about how future holidays will be spent differently.
I wonder how Emily would've reacted if I left a note that said:
Darling sister, I awoke this morning to find an unpleasant treat from your cat. How I avoided it and thought about just leaving it for you to tidy after. I relented as I do respect your efforts to never clean up after that cat. In turn I request you see to the washing of our rather bedraggled floors.
Smithmas 07:
I don't think it really registered with me that last Christmas would be the last one where our immediate family was the 6 of us.
Emily and Josh both got engaged this week. Emily on Monday. Josh on Wednesday. first I thought I was having my recurring nightmare of the above scenario happening. but no, I was awake.
I haven't really adjusted to the news. in fact, I haven't like it at all. as a protest to what I consider "unreasonable behavior" I ordered beer with lunch today. I have never drank in front of my dad before. I had a winter ale with my oysters and filet mignon. I don't know what I accomplished by ordering expensive menu items but that was part of the protest, too.
oh well. cheers.