I was at a coffeeshop in Amherst and noticed all the students were wearing elastics.
actual students:
I don't associate my wearing of sweatpants around the house to be the same as wearing them in public. that's just lazy.
did you notice when people describe their significant other as "letting themselves go," the wearing of sweatpants is often included in this complaint?
imagine that cat in sweatpants.
lately you could say the Celtics have been wearing sweatpants. they got too comfortable in our relationship... sloppy, lazy, selfish, they don't even clean up when we have company. and they expect me to still love them. (I do)
they start the season 27-2 and win 19 games in a row. last night that had to rally to beat the Raptors in OT. since Christmas they've lost 7 of 11.
they need to take those sweatpants off and put this back on:
look at this sweet couch I saw while walking to the T:
I wish I had a car so I could've brought it home, cleaned the snow off, then lounged on it yes wearing elastics.
i hate pants, too. the minute i get home my sweats come on. pants are for losers.
hot couch.
p.s. ~ if you stare at the word 'couch' it begins to look weird, and kinda creepy.
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