thanks Casey.
my bookmark:
note: this ticket is from a 2004 game I went to with Shannon only weeks before the Sox won the WS!
I just finished reading Let the Right One In.
the monster in this story is a vampire. it's beyond amazing. I justify it's not like reading Twighlight because LTROI is not part of a series.
Easy Mac for lunch today
Mac n Cheese Monster:
Sea Monster:
why do things that are bad for you feel so good? I'm not talking about drugs. yesterday I was feeling depressed so I went tanning then picked up chicken fingers and fries with extra honey mustard from TGI Fridays and brought them home and ate them while watching "He's Just Not That Into You".
it was like a cheer and a big friend hug and a nap all rolled into one. and that is better than feeling like this:
...even if my happy glands are becoming addicted to the delights of mid-scale food chains.
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