for instance, I've resolved to blog more. you might disagree, but I'm putting a lot of thought into this blog post.
I'm also trying to conquer my nighttime snacking ritual (4 nights going strong).
well lookyhere, not only am I blogging, here are me and Biff having our bedtime snacks before we go to bed, like responsible and healthy adults.
all these downer forces out there are trying to discourage resolutions, saying they are pointless and that they just make you feel bad about yourself when you fail -- I'm not denying these truths. but isn't the glass half full for those 4 nights that you don't wake up in the middle of the night and eat leftover spaghetti?
as I let my brain mull this one over, I'm reminded of one of my favorite proverbs: one person's Epic FAIL is another person's WIN.
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