Kathryn is from Omaha and recently played trivia back home with Jacob (the keyboardist and my fav!)
Kathryn and me
the Faint was my first show at the Middle East back 7 or 8 years ago. imagine the Middle East Downstairs as gross and hot and unventilated as it is now, but with the band and 2/3 of the audience smoking inside and a fog machine.
speaking of foggy nights... bachelor and bachelorette parties this weekend.
Josh and the Shannon pinata I ordered
I just drew on her Shannon necklace, medical alert bracelet, birthmark, eyelashes, and a fake "Mike" tattoo.
future brother-in-law
I hope Mike's bachelor party is fun (but not too fun)
If they gave out superlatives in life you would win a bunch......beauty and brains, most popular, funniest and so on :)
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