1. throw lovely and memorable bachelorette party for Shannon
2. find (matching) wedding shoes for the bridesmaids
I was definitely looking forward to the party more.
to all of our astonishment, we tried on one pair and were content. the store had one of each of our sizes left.....it was a sign.
soon we (Shannie, Aileen, Elise, and I) were at the Medway casa setting up for the party. I was bringing stuff outside and a bee stung the palm of my hand. I'm not afraid of bees at all and I realized this was because I hadn't been stung since I was like 11 and forgot how much it hurt!!!!!!!!
10 minutes later I went back outside and got stung again! on my other hand. I was then useless with the decorating and prepping of food. I felt like I had hamburger helper hands.
I iced and was well enough in time to hold my own cup.
grampa was struck by lightning twice.
lovely and memorable
this weekend Elise and I are celebrating our 7 year anniversary as friends. who would've thought when we met that Labor Day in 01 we would still be buddies today.
Elise was my first friend at BU! if I remember correctly, Elise and I met because we actually bumped into each other. (we were both clumsy back then, too)
Halloween 02. Spice girls
what a terrible picture.
so Yankees tonight. the Sox really need to win these games, not because I'm worried about the Yankees contending for the wild card, but because the Sox can't afford to lose any ground to the Twins/White Sox.
Joe Biden had a pulled pork sandwich for lunch yesterday.
I had a pulled pork burrito.
how do you know what joe biden had for lunch??
npr... they keep me abreast of important political updates, i.e. sandwiches
Thanks for not saying bye last night lame-o.
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