Thursday, December 25, 2008

home for Smithmas

last night 10 people (my parents, 2 sisters, 1 brother, 1 brother-in-law, 2 fiances, 1 uncle and I) and 6 pets (5 cats and 1 dog) slept at my parents' house. 'twas a full house the night before Christmas.


I bunked with Shannon, Mike, Chip and for part of the night, Biff. poor Mike is allergic to cats but he really had no choice.

true to Smithmas form, we were woken up at 8 a.m., opened stockings, had Polish breakfast, then sat down around 11 for the big show (opening presents), followed by a roast (thanks Mom) and a full day of serious lounging, Big Love and cocoa.

you'd think Mormons would be offended by Big Love but my family got way into it. as you can see from the photo above, my family can joke about smoking, so why not about polygamy. (I'll say it once, polygamy is not a Mormon belief.) there are so many Mormon references in the show that are totally accurate and I don't think could be picked up on by non-Mormons (or former Mormons)....hymns, pictures of temples, catch phrases and jargon, etc.

what a splendid day. well, besides the Celtics' loss but that was bound to happen sooner or later.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

bench press

those of you who frequent Central Sq have probably noticed Hot Off The Press is gone.

a sign out front says "Rotisserie Chicken Coming Soon"...I thought that meant HOTP was going to start having rotisserie chicken.

the quality there had seriously deteriorated over the last few months but I still liked their coffee and bagel sandwiches.

1369 doesn't have bagel sandwiches.

and how's this for salt in my wounds? I only needed one more stamp on my press pass to get $5 off.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

an oldie but a goodie

I searched through my gmail to find this email from a friend who will remain nameless. I always enjoy reading it. hope you do, too.

3:18 am


i also just made
out with a boy in boston common!

the nice part, the gardens.

im not a slut, come on!

but it was for like, 2 hrs outside.


now i am having some special k.
cause i havent had dinner yet! it is 3:11 am. goodness.

also, yes, i am 'replying all' by a concious decision. because i think you all would enjoy this email.

now i am sad because i have finished my special k. theres still a lot of milk left in the bowl though!! oh NO!!! what should i do should i refill the bowl with cereal, drink the milk, or just throw it away!? im gonna think about this for awhile. you may all get a follow-up email in the morning.


3:20 am

alright everyone, i drank the milk.

in case you were worried!

I went to your wedding so you should come to my party


Santa will be there.