Saturday, December 12, 2009

nice to meat you

Laura, thanks for your blog request. I know I've been slacking on my blogging. I don't know why... maybe because work has been extremely busy. or because I signed up for twitter. no that's not it.

well nonetheless, I'm happy to report an important milestone. Biff just ate bacon and sausage. I wish I snapped a pic with my cameraphone.



I didn't think he's be able to chew and swallow it, but his determination trumped the tough skins and cumbersome shapes.

have you been to Drink yet? I dig the concept of explaining what you like to drink and they make something "just for you." when I was there last week I asked the bartender to make me a drink that tastes like an almond joy. (I just realized I love almond joys, btw)
I should have realized this would be made with heavy cream. that's where I went wrong. my second drink was apple cider with magic spices and secret ingredients topped with champagne. that was splendid.

but the best part of Drink was ironically the steak tartare.
sometimes I can't believe I was vegetarian for 5 years. this summer I tried lamb tongue.
(sorry munchkin)
in Italy I ate raw prawn, raw black tiger shrimp, raw tuna and raw swordfish.
(I know those are "fish" and not technically "meat" but I'd argue raw critters from the ocean are as fleshy, juicy and succulent as your four-legged or winged friends.)
I've also become a big fan of rillettes and pates.
etc. etc. basically, meat is wonderful and not overrated. I can say that because I've been on both sides. and if Biff wasn't mute I'm sure he would agree.

Friday, October 2, 2009

I did some fun things recently.

- Six Flags
- Red Sox game
- 90s Night
- Hung out with cats
- Apple picking
- Sonic

I took photos of all these memorable haps. Then I lost my camera at the apple orchard. So I won't be able to share these funsies on flickr. However, I will assure you they were all goodtimes.
r.i.p. first digital camera

Monday, August 10, 2009

a friendly toast


"Today on Josh's wedding day, (Heidi)
We, his sisters, have a few words to say. (All)

Remember when we had matching fangs?
But more recently you sported Ellen DeGeneres bangs.
I cried for a year when you were first born.
But you cried with us when we were torn.

Quoting Friends and Home Alone is our favorite pastime.
I hope we aren't embarrassing you with our nostalgic rhyme.
You gave me a black eye when you shut my face in the door.
But you're still the best brother I could ever ask for.

You lined your X-Men into rows.
And we made you dress up in women's clothes.
Now you've grown into quite a man,
Beginning your life with Laura Anne.

We're proud to have you, mister.
Laura, we welcome you as our sister.

Cheers!" (All)

Luv you Shoshie.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

in heat

SO... could it BE any hotter? I have been forced to shower everyday. today I was feeling like a sweaty blob and had that film all over me. then I noticed poor Biff and Chip sprawled miserably on the floor, relocating to a different spot every 5 minutes.
poor guys forced to wear furs all summer.

I just like this.

I'm watching the Sox game but I can't hear anything over the sound of the fans.

these kinds of fans:
not these:

my computer is overheating. need diet sunkist.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Thursday, July 9, 2009

mm tastea

so I've been obsessed with thai iced tea. it started about a month and a half ago... I went to Wonderspice in JP to get my take-out as I do about once a week (pad thai and crispy fried spring rolls, extra sweet and sour sauce)... whilst waiting for my food I bought a thai iced tea.

**going forward thai iced tea is abbreviated as t.i.t. not to be mistaken for another word with the same spelling**

I sipped it, trying to identify what it tasted like and trying decide if I liked it. I had tasted t.i.t. several times before and thought it was offensively sweet, even for me. this time around it was more refreshing and was delicious with my thai dinner (go figure).
some time passed and I craved a t.i.t. the way I crave a diet sunkist. I'm surprised my pee isn't orange.

thus began my tour de t.i.t. in addition to Wonderspice, I've had the t.i.t. at Thailand Cafe, Petsi Pie, 1369, Dado Tea, Velouria and Brown Sugar, but the most delectable, balanced and sensational t.i.t. is at Junebug in JP.
I brought a large one to Medway last Friday to share with the Smiths. Shannon, Emily and Brad thought it was disgusting. I think it was the neon orange color predisposed them to dislike it.
Mary, my mom and I sipped away at it's deliciousness. my dad wouldn't taste it (I don't think he believed me when I said it was herbal and ok for Mormons to drink). but let's face it: t.i.t.s are the tits.

upon looking at all these mouth-watering images, I must go out and get one.

show me your t.i.t.s!!!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

kitty fail

Rob gave me a Hello Kitty puzzle for my birthday. thanks Bobby. last night I pulled it out as an effort to relax after a long day. (the Sox were also off last night)

I set up camp in the kitchen and turned on "Puzzle Pieces" by Tiger Trap.
I was ready for puzzle-fun-time.

look at Meghan having fun doing a puzzle:

the fact that it came with a tiny set of tweezers should have been an indication that this was a stress causing not relieving puzzle. 204 pieces to make a 4"x6" puzzle.

we proclaimed our frustration with words that Hello Kitty should never hear.
at 1am Casey and I forced ourselves to stop.
score that 1 for cartoon cat.
0 for mankind.

Monday, June 15, 2009

feeding the monster

book for my b-day:
thanks Casey.

my bookmark:
note: this ticket is from a 2004 game I went to with Shannon only weeks before the Sox won the WS!

I just finished reading Let the Right One In.
the monster in this story is a vampire. it's beyond amazing. I justify it's not like reading Twighlight because LTROI is not part of a series.

Easy Mac for lunch today

Mac n Cheese Monster:

Sea Monster:

why do things that are bad for you feel so good? I'm not talking about drugs. yesterday I was feeling depressed so I went tanning then picked up chicken fingers and fries with extra honey mustard from TGI Fridays and brought them home and ate them while watching "He's Just Not That Into You".


it was like a cheer and a big friend hug and a nap all rolled into one. and that is better than feeling like this:
...even if my happy glands are becoming addicted to the delights of mid-scale food chains.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

that is a carrie underwood song

just watch this preview.

I can't stop watching gg. my new roommates probably think I'm a crazy teenybopper.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

it's a bargain

skin cancer for $99


Thursday, May 21, 2009


I've recently started watching tv on the internet.
**this is what me watching internet tv looks like.

I used to be opposed to the small pixelated screen. but just an episode of Entourage after not being able to watch it for 4 months converted me. I watched all of season 5 in about a week.

I love you

now I'm watching Mad Men season 2. yesterday at work I caught up with episode 3, Marriage of Figaro. a couple lines in that episode were so relevant to my life, I have to share them.


I love and hate you

Peggy's mom and sister bother her to go to church. she keeps resisting. finally she goes to appease them. during the sermon Peggy whispers to her sister, "I don't feel good." to which her sister replies "you're hungover." nothing indicated she had been out drinking the night before, her sister just assumed it.

also in the episode, Betty Draper is sitting on her bed with Don and their kids. she says "I hate my feet" and Don (her husband) says, "I thought those were waterskis." Betty, it's a hard life having big, disproportionate feet.

I love you

Monday, May 18, 2009

Summer Reading

as I child I read nonstop. the usual pre-teen series of Babysitter's Club, Anne of Green Gables, Judy Blume, etc.
upon entering high school that abruptly changed...the instigator: Summer Reading.

I remember avoiding the task all summer.
til a week before the start of school when I went to Barnes and Noble and picked the 3 books on the list with the fewest pages. a few days later I got the Cliffs Notes. finally the day before school started I tried to find the movie versions of the books i.e. Field of Dreams...
a story that I would probably would have loved under other circumstances but couldn't even sit through and still have never watched (or read) all the way through.

I've never had a problem with authority or an attention deficiancy but for some reason I couldn't make myself read a book, poem, short story or anything I was told to. but when the course was over, I wouldn't mind reading The Crying of Lot 49.

I didn't complete any of the assigned reading in high school or college.
(apparently you can graduate with honors from BU and Medway High School without doing your reading.)
in hindsight I wish I had read and kept all those books instead of selling them back to BU for $1 at the end of the semester. my bookshelves would have a lot more books and less chotchkes.
the same applies to my brain.
I recently enjoyed Animal Farm, The Great Gatsby and am currently reading Murder on the Orient Express...all books I was supposed to read at one time or another. upon realizing my love for high school literature I realized you don't really appreciate anything about your youth til your older....a summer of nothing to do but read a few books sounds pretty excellent.