Wednesday, May 7, 2008

much to blog about nothing.

I'm in Amherst in my hotel room.  I'm sitting on my "lounging" bed.  This is where I surf the web, POST BLOGS, eat snacks, watch tv, etc.  The other one is my "sleeping" bed.   
Sometimes my friends text me during the Sox games after a good play or something.  I get pretty excited when that happens.  

This is a pretty sketchy hotel.  Usually we get to stay at really nice places, but this "lodge" is walking distance to the store, the other hotels are much further.   My room is the very last door on the back corner of the building.  

So earlier, I'm chillin on the lounging bed, and I hear the doorbell.  No one's at the door.  2 minutes later I hear the doorbell again.  No one's at the door.  So I'm about to freak myself out, and/or call the front desk to stop the hooligans from running around outside my room.  Then I realized my new phone makes a doorbell sound when I get a text message.  There were 2 "yeah sox" texts from Rhianna and Rob.  I felt dumb then excited.  Usually it's the other way around.

Here are a couple places in Amherst you should visit if you come out here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dude! I'm sorry we scared you. Too bad Pap blew it though.