Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Lester is Best-er

Lester is way too clean-cut to be on the Sox but he ruled the school last night.

Shannon graduated from grad school on Sunday.  It was not exactly action-packed, but still tons of congrats to Shan.   

Emily on the way to the ceremony.  Lookin' posh.
from left: Dad, Mike, Mom, Emily (not lookin' posh)

After the ceremony we had a delicious meal at the Olive Garden (Shannon's choice).  Did you know the Olive Garden has no tv's, not even in the bar area?  I asked the waiter about this.  He said corporate doesn't want the 'Garden becoming a hang-out for dudes.  pshh
I checked my phone obsessively for the Celtics scores and watched the end of the game at home.  What a spectacular game.  I had tears in my eyes when Pierce got the loose ball and called time-out.

Celtics Represent!!!!!!!  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

haha! i had no idea that olive garden was thinkin' chic like that...who knew?