Thursday, July 17, 2008

Food Stamps

I've been going here way too often. It's addictive. For about a 3 week period this spring I didn't want to eat anything but pad thai. I'm hoping next week (week 3 of Berry Line Mania) I'll get over my yogurt cravings.

I go here like every morning...

...unless I go to Hot Off the Press because they have chocolate milk you can add to your iced coffee. It's delicious. Oh I got one more stamp this afternoon when I had lunch with Patti. Next time I go to HOTP I get $5 off, hooray!

This is often where I eat in Newport. After a few trips there I realized it wasn't very good so ever since I've been going for the stamps. Now the card has been full for about 2 months and I haven't claimed my free Panini yet.

The cafes/ coffeehouses I go to in JP don't have frequent eater cards... Food for thought. And there's no fast food. hmmm.


revecca said...

Love this post! You gotta get the el pelon card! FREE BURITTOS!

heidi said...

Becca you're genius. I couldn't post a picture in this comment so I added a post.