Thursday, July 24, 2008

kids r not us

summer is the time of year that most reminds me of being a kid. my summers revolved around a few things.... 1. our swimming pool 2. playing in the yard/woods 3. ice cream man (his name was Scott, I wonder where he is now...) for a couple summers the trampoline probably made the top 3.... when we thought we grew out of the ice cream man, oh how little we knew.

is it weird that I would be content if that was my summer 08? I would even downgrade to a sprinkler if it meant I had no cares in the world.

Summer 1989. I'm twice the size of Shannon.

Summer 2008. Biff is the size of 3-4 kittens.

do you think animals ever look at younger ones and think "I wish I was still a kitten/ insert appropriate youngster terminology here"?

fond summer memories of yesteryear...

06 - ice cream man

07 - big swimming pool

08 - playing in the woods

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